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Walk 714 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Helmsley car park 09.30 SE6105983834
2 Track 09.50 SE6024583644
3 Track crossing 10.08 SE5905383438
4 Road junction by Rievaulx bridge 10.31 SE5743284277
5 Road junction by Rievaulx church 10.46 SE5771885236
6 Track junction 11.04 SE5654086708
7 Barnclose Farm 11.22 SE5662287106
8 Shaken Bridge 11.47 SE5599088357
9 Track 12.01 SE5623788641
10 Road / bridleway junction 12.13 SE5642188828
11 Track on edge of Rievaulx Moor 12.30 SE5726489935
12 Track on edge of Rievaulx Moor 12.42 SE5783490582
13 Rievaulx Moor trig pillar 12.57 to 13.10SE5882290608
14 Track above Cowhouse Bank Farm 13.30 SE6021789819
15 Road on Cowhouse Bank 13.52 SE6139088602
16 Track junction 14.05 SE6131889011
17 Howl Wood Farm 14.15 SE6177589236
18 Track junction near Hasty Bank Farm 14.32 SE6260388474
19 Footpath above Riccal Dale 14.50 SE6252387271
20 Footpath above Riccal Dale 15.07 SE6282886134
21 Footpath / road junction 15.21 SE6349985635
22 Road / A170 junction 15.37 SE6351984304
23 Track / footpath junction 15.57 SE6317584721
24 Bend in footpath 16.13 SE6229984355
25 Helmsley car park 16.40 SE6105983834

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