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Walk 789 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Mottisfont church 09.31 SU3257626790
2 Bridge over Oakley stream 09.50 SU3313127649
3 Footpath 10.10 SU3402028723
4 Road 10.32 SU3446930512
5 Footpath 10.50 SU3500731905
6 Roundabout 11.10 SU3544633601
7 Footpath 11.29 SU3586435087
8 Footpath 11.52 SU3632836540
9 Footpath 12.10 SU3732837717
10 Mayfly pub 12.33 to 12.53SU3816638988
11 Road / byway junction 13.08 SU3747238896
12 Road 13.30 SU3584139184
13 Track 13.50 SU3424238874
14 Road junction 14.09 SU3353737610
15 A30 14.37 SU3269035296
16 Track 14.55 SU3227333843
17 Track junction 15.04 SU3220733154
18 Road by ford in Broughton 15.20 SU3164832150
19 Road junction 15.40 SU3194231101
20 Track / road junction 16.04 SU3307130011
21 Road 16.25 SU3273028495
22 Mottisfont church 16.48 SU3257626790

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