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Walk 756 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Thetford station 08.50 TL8675483657
2 Croxton Road 09.11 TL8741084480
3 Bridge under A11 09.23 TL8744785490
4 Road junction to north of Croxton 09.44 TL8716187216
5 Road 10.00 TL8771788249
6 Road junction 10.12 TL8826289088
7 Road junction at New Buildings 10.29 TL8686489497
8 Road 10.50 TL8511589146
9 A134 road 11.04 TL8386988863
10 Track crossing on Harling Drove 11.23 TL8246488652
11 Harling Drove 11.45 TL8063388345
12 Harling Drove 12.00 TL7936688091
13 Road junction 12.15 TL7816988105
14 Bridge over Little Ouse in Brandon 12.30 TL7835486941
15 Footpath by river 12.50 TL7965787046
16 Footpath by river 13.10 TL8071587972
17 Bridge over river in Santon Downham 13.28 TL8174887872
18 Santon Church 13.47 TL8291487263
19 Track on hill 14.03 TL8397987450
20 A134 / track junction 14.17 TL8494887361
21 Footpath 14.40 TL8554185933
22 Abbey Heath Weir 15.03 TL8509984370
23 Bridge under A11 15.19 TL8534983462
24 Footpath near bridge in Thetford 15.37 TL8665283261
25 Thetford station 15.45 TL8675483657

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